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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I may not win but dang it, I'll never quit...

That mantra goes through my head as I'm running or walking these days. Gets me through Boot Camp as well! David at the chiropractors went at my hip (I never knew I could bend that way!) and thigh (O.M.G. - I confess to whatever it is you think I did!!!) and foot (not nearly as bad, but oowwwiiiieee anyway!) with a vengeance today as my IT band is still very inflamed. It was feeling a tad better last night, but then I woke up at 3:30 (I think I was rolling over) with searing, blinding pain! Hope to avoid that hell tonight - just finished icing it and will medicate shortly. And I'll have the ice pack ready for an early morning application, if need be.
Breakfast today was a Green Monster, with a mid-morning snack of milk and some All Bran Buds. After a half run/walk (I left my Garmin at home, and that ruins a run for me am I supposed to know how far, how fast, how much my heart is beating, etc??), so I ran to the kitties place to feed them, and then walked back to the office afterwards. Lunch was leftover pasta salad from last night and an apple. Sunshine, or something like that, but what is NOT a Pink Lady, and I'm really bummed about that!! Hopefully they show up soon at the market...not sure how much longer I hold out. Afternoon snack was more fruit salad, this time with some Kashi Cinnamon squares. Yum...those are good! Went to the chiropractor and then limped my way home...okay, it wasn't quite that pathetic, but I felt a lot of the walk home! Brief, accidental nap on the couch during the news, and then I did the "what do I want for supper"...which is odd, because I already had some steak marinating in the fridge. But after wandering in, looking in the fridge and wandering back out again, several times, I settled on a light meal of pasta in a delightful fromage sauce...KD! Kraft Mac & Cheese for you Americans...we Canucks have always called it KD. And yes, I have a special pot and spoon that I cook and eat KD with. I stirred in relish (trust me, I got my veggies in today...not worried about the lack at dinner) and it was exactly what I wanted. Satisfied, I resumed icing my leg and deciding what time to go to bed. Which will be soon...I have a bit of a headache, but I think that's more to do with the "cold front" that blew into Calgary today (just cloudy and muggy, but not cold).

Even though I've updated my weight (which you may notice is different than WW, because this number is from my scale at home and on Tuesdays...WW is Saturday and is never the same as my home # anyway), I have unofficially dropped out of the 15-week challenge. I haven't quit (because I don't), as I'll continue to weigh and challenge myself each week, but I just won't waste my time sending it off to wherever it ends up. No feedback for over 7 weeks now...doesn't make it fun anymore. And if it's not fun, why do it?

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