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Saturday, August 29, 2009

A full day

Which started bright and early, as H-woman picked me up at the crack of stupid...okay, 7:15, but it's a Saturday, for crying out loud! We went to Weight Watchers, where it's a good thing Faye rocks...there's no one else that I'd be up at 6:30 am and driving over 11km to see. The plan is still know the plan...journal, making premium fuel choices, move more, sweat every day, take care of myself otherwise...anyway, down another 2.4 pounds this week, so another milestone acheived...41.6 pounds down total!

After a great meeting, we went into Kensington to meet up with E. for coffee. We need to rethink the time, as H and I got there at by 8:30 and no one else is showing up till 9. We were done our coffee and breakfasts before E. even got there. But had a nice visit anyway, before H. dropped me off to go meet up with S. I had another appointment to attend...taking my baby boy George to the vet.

I do not have children of the human variety, and that's by my choice. I do, however, have two adorable fur-babies, and one has been acting not himself lately, so it was time to take him in and get him checked over. I did my very best not to let my imagination run away with itself (there were a few tearful nights as I anticipated the worst) but after meeting Dr. Sean we are both feeling much better (who ROCKS, by the way! - He's so kind and calm and explained everything, and even gave George kisses and scratches while he was examining him - you can tell this is a man who truly loves animals and what he does for a living...that's very important to know that he's not just in it for the money)...long story short (we are waiting on the blood and urine analysis on Monday) but it appears that I am now the proud parent of a diabetic cat. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, because it can be dealt with. Other diseases scare me far worse, trust me. So, after Monday we'll find out what the official diagnosis is, and go from there. As Dr. Sean put it, cats get more like type-2 diabetes, which is more controlled with diet and exercise than insulin. So while we may have to start out with daily shots, if we get his food intake and insulin levels under control, we can stop the shots. But that bridge is still a ways away, so we'll cross it later. We're back home and together and that's all that matters to me.

After that, I went over to B's place to feed her fur-babies (she's back tomorrow night) and gave them some extra love and brushing today...except I forgot my antihistamine, and remembered that I really am allergic to cats! I broke out in hives along my chin, and totally clogged up in the sinuses and chest. Silly me! Dropped in on my pharmacist (who's in the area) to drop off a prescription and ran into the younger dude (the son of the store owner) who's also a runner. Talked running for a while, then stopped by a Running Room to pick up a foam roller (in anticipation of tomorrow's 10k run and the hip/leg pain that follows) and then to Safeway for some groceries (out of spinach for Monsters...the horror!). Came home, did 3 loads of laundry (I live on the top floor of a 3-floor walk-up and the laundry room is in the basement, so it's a workout!), had a brief nap on the couch and then made dinner.

Tuna burgers...H-woman talked about them last night, so I whipped up a small batch. They were very tasty - a can of drained tuna, some finely diced celery & onion, horseradish Dijon mustard, some fresh dill, S&P, panko bread crumbs and egg. Fry till golden. Ate them with a sliced red pepper and tomato, a tarter sauce of mayo, relish, more horseradish mustard and parsley, and some whole wheat yolk less egg noodles tossed with yogurt Caesar salad dressing and parm.
Now just trying to get motivated to jump in the shower and head out to a friend's place for a few drinks. Granted, I still don't know the address of said location (maybe they're trying to avoid me...I wasn't included in the original email invite either!) so I may be getting all dolled up for nothin'. Times like this is when I really hate being a single person...I hate walking into parties or bars alone...but I am a grown up, so let's get on with it already!
Details tomorrow...

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