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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Steady Thursday

Very proud of myself, as I worked out the issues with the Dataload program at work ALL.BY.MYSELF!!!! I did come close to calling IT, but then I figured it out. I am S.M.R.T! Even did a little dance! Let me 'splain...I have to take data from an excel spreadsheet, and format it into this program called Dataload, so that it can then take a tax form in .pdf (Adobe), and print off 1300 individual tax forms. Easy, right?? Except the government changed the form since last year, and you actually have to program in if you are hitting enter or tab, and how many times. There's one part of this form where the you tab 19 times in a row, and that has to be entered in the formula. Now I just have to figure out how to get it off my desktop and network onto the laptop, so that I can start printing, and not tie up my computer. Bad news about MUST NOT interrupt can't go checking your emails while Dataload is going, or it will have a hissy-fit and shut everything down. Learned the hard way!!
Remembered to bring my breakfast and lunch today, which was oatmeal (my usual) and leftover baked pasta from the night before. Some green salad and some of the fruit salad rounded out the day.
Walked home in the sunshine (yay, Chinook!!!) and after nipping into MEC - oh crap!! So, I purposely go into MEC to pick up some reflective strips to put on my jacket, and I FORGOT THEM IN MY PURSE! I scare me some days... Anyway, after MEC, I went into Safeway to pick up what I need for the potluck tomorrow and something for dinner. Came home with bean sprouts, broccoli slaw and that fake crab stuff. Which I tossed with some orange pepper, celery and ww linguine and PC Korean BBQ Sauce. It was yummy, I forgot to take a picture! Oops...
Went down to run clinic, where we talked about hill training and running etiquette. And after that, during our steady run, the one girl with us kept doing every opposite of what he just said to do...I'm sorry...were you in another room?!?! Grrr... But she did not take away from my most fabulous run. We did just under 7.5km, in just over an hour, and our pace was a decent 8:16 (considering our pace is really supposed to be 8:59, this rocks!). But what I loved the most about this run is that my breathing was calm and controlled (the non-listener was gasping and panting the whole way) and my heart rate was 138bpm or 79% of maximum. That is awesome, and really more telling of how well this is all coming together this time around. I feel so much stronger than I have in forever, and I know I'm going to rock out the marathon when it comes.
We are running the Hypothermic Half on Sunday, but even though we are unofficial (some of the class is registered) Garrath is still expecting race pace from us all. In fact, he pointed out at clinic tonight that I have to hoof it, and it would be great if everyone could help, since I have to be at a marshaling station by 12:15, for the second wave! No pressure!!! But K. (my pace bunny) and I are aiming for a 2:30 finish, which would be a PB for both of us. After tonight's worries.
I should go off and get the potluck stuff ready (we're having a Choc-luck tomorrow, in celebration of Valentine's day), so I thought I would make Chocolate Spiced Roast Pork & Onions (go big or go home) to be different. I'll let you all know how it works out.
Happy Friday!

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