
MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I have what my doctor likes to call "travelling tendanitis (sp)"...I think it's the beginning of arthritis and it likes to move from my wrists one day, to my shoulder the next, and I never seem to know why or when it's going to strike. Late last night, it was my right shoulder. I have some mobility, but the constant hum of pain from the joint is quite outstanding! Especially since I tend to sleep on my right side. I did not get a lot of sleep over night. It feels like it's been dislocated, which is weird, but it too shall pass. The long and short of it is, despite a round of Advil before bed, and more at 5 am, I did not make it up at 7 to go for a 13k run with H. I'm still waking up now (9:30), so hope to get actually moving soon and then will try for a shorter run later this afternoon. In the meantime, there is some serious need for caffeine in my immediate future!

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