
MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

Thursday, May 21, 2009

So that's where my abs went!

58 crunches in a minute will help you find them, in case you wonder where your abs have gone. I've never had a 6-pack, more like a 2-4 (Canadians will understand this...) but the ab muscles are there...who knew??? In fact, I've discovered a lot of muscles that have been contently hiding under my cozy layer of fat cells - arms, shoulders, back, chest, abs, quads and hips are all telling me off right now!! And the 2nd bootcamp class is in less than 7 hours. Good news...trainer said he was going to "amp things up today"...uh-oh...that does not bode well for me gracefully moving the next few days!! I want to run on Sunday though (Underwear is in 2 weeks), and I may walk to the zoo tomorrow. I have an annual membership, which I really need to use one day. And the walk to & from would be a good one, probably a good 5k each way. Tried to map it on but we got into an argument over the route, so I shut it down. I hate it when computers do what I'm doing and not what I want!!!

Time to think about some breakfast and what to do with my day before camp.

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