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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Today's musings

I have a headache...could be because I got up and ran 10k in a race (1:15 - I'm using my time, not theirs (1:17), as my Garmin clocked me at 1:15 and change, but also said I ran 10.01 km, not 10), and then after changing into dry clothes, went out with the intent of running another 19 (training schedule has me running 29 today). I did 13.6 and I'm happy with it. The weather is definitely better this weekend, with the sun shining and +12. Made for an interesting run in spots as the morning started out with frozen and extremely slippery patches of ice turning into deep and very wet puddles later on!! Did finish with a headache, which I thought...okay, I ran too hard earlier (heart rate average was over 100% - oops) and it'll pass.

Got home, changed again, took some advil and after a quick snack of a bagel, Imperial cheese and dill pickles (it's a thing...), I lay under a blanket trying to get warm. Woke up about a half hour ago now trying to strip naked to cool down!!! Every window in the house opened, and I still have a headache. Wait a much coffee did I have today?? Uh-oh...I'm not saying I'm addicted, but my body sure is!!! I'll have a half a cup later and try to settle things down.

Making bison burgers for supper. May even post a pic later. I decided I was craving burgers and didn't want something fast foody. I wanted a real burger. So off to the store and decide between fresh ground sirloin or bison...I went with the bison (it was on sale, and the butcher recommended it). All I can say is it smells awesome in here. So I'll feed my head some burger and roasted potatoes and broccoli slaw and see if that helps ease the pain. Will let you know how it tastes.

OMG...Vancouver is in 1 month, 2 weeks and 4 days...who's idea was this?!

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