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Thursday, September 15, 2011

A great day

I totally kicked ass at boot camp.  I mean KICKED ASS!!  I lead the pack almost the whole way through the first circuits.  A-mazing!  I was a "steppin-up, jumping jacker, 1-legged squater, dipper, incline pusher, rowing, lat pulling, curling, burpee-pumping, sprinting, row pushing, v-sitting presser, bench pressing" MACHINE!!  Boo-yah!  After the circuit (and # 2, when we doubled everything), we did some killer squat to chest pull to shoulder press to drop arms to side raise.  Repeat 10 times.  Then we moved to the trees and did wall sits with curls to shoulder press to controlled arms down.  Stand up and do squats while holding weights high above head.  Repeat all 30 times.  I admit that I had to drop one weight after the first round, for fear of dropping it on my head!  End the class with hip raises, rowing, scissors, window-wipers (drop legs side to side, like a wiper blade), full sit-ups and negatives.  Another sweaty hour under my belt.

Took me by surprise as well, since yesterday it was all I could do to merely walk up the stairs, let alone "turn and fire".  And I was beat today...we stayed out a little late last night celebrating with a couple of the Coulee Chicks (awesome ladies who completed the 100k ultra in Lethbridge on the weekend), and while I was good, sticking to only 1 pint of Guinness, I was still really dragging today.  So much so that I was ready to sleep right after lunch, and had a brief nap when I got home.  Weird dreams though that revolved around boot camp, construction sites and having to balance on long thin poles over deep holes.  Very odd...but apparently what I needed.

Swung by PetPlanet for some food for George.  He has decided that his diabetic food sucks, so we're going the organic way, with little or no carbs per can.  So far, so good.  He practically dances while I'm putting the food down...yay.  I hate throwing away ignored food from his dish.  Then I picked up an easy but good dinner at the Safeway next door...turkey meatloaf (a favourite of mine), tomato and baby mozzarella salad and some mixed, marinated veggies (tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, baby corn and celery).  Quick and easy is what I wanted, since I didn't get home until after 8.  Late boot camp is hard for this.  It will take some planning through the winter months, especially since I still won't be speaking to potatoes, rice or pasta!!!!

I managed to lose what I found last week, and a touch more, bringing me to within .2 pound of 40 down.  Looking back, I'm almost where I was last October in Toronto (where I PB'd), so I am really focused on blowing past that.  Maybe that's what was driving my legs today.  The fire in my belly!!

Good day at work too...I officially sent my announcement around to the people I deal with, letting them know that after 11.5 years (yes, that says YEARS) I will be switching jobs within my company and walking away from everything I know, oh so well, to try my hand at something new (to me!).  I'm still in my same department and with the same team, but my focus will be completely different.  It's going to be hard, I am more than a little scared, and really excited.  Sadly I was getting bored and it was time for a change.  I am blessed to have a manager that recognized that and encourages his team.  I don't have an exact start date (trying to finish up with year end first), and we haven't even posted my job yet, but this will all come over the next few weeks or so.  Boot camp will become even more vital, as I maintain my balance through all the chaos.

Okay, it's 10:17 and I vowed today at WW to get a good nights sleep!!  Six hours or so, day after day, just doesn't cut it.


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